Advertise with AdLids.

Think of us as your premier platform for innovative, high-visibility advertising right in the hands of your target audience. If you're a business looking to boost your brand's exposure and engagement, you've come to the right place!

Advertising on coffee cup lids involves placing your branded messages on the surface of disposable coffee lids that link via user-trackable software to your landing page, social media, PDF download, or promotional offer.

By utilising our extensive network of cafe distribution centres, your brand/advertising/promotion is guaranteed to be 'in the hands' of your audience.


As they enjoy their coffee, they'll see your advertisement right in their hands – creating a powerful and engaging marketing opportunity.

Sip. See. Engage.

How it Works

Advertising with AdLids is perfect for a wide range of businesses, including:
  • Local Businesses: Target specific geographic areas to drive foot traffic and generate leads.
  • Retail Stores: Promote special offers and new product launches.
  • Service-Based Businesses: Increase brand awareness and attract new clients.
  • Events and Promotions: Reach a broad audience and drive attendance.

Our Network

We have a diverse and extensive network of coffee shops and cafes. Our partnerships ensure your brand reaches a significant and engaged audience.

Customisable Design

We understand the importance of maintaining your brand identity. That's why you can fully customise the design and content of your advertisements on our coffee lids. Our creative team will work closely with you to ensure your vision comes to life.

Get Started Today!

Ready to take your advertising to the next level? Join AdLids Media and let’s brew up some marketing magic together. Reach out to us today and start your journey towards higher brand visibility and customer engagement.

Why Use AdLids?

Ready to get started? Have a question? Reach out for a chat!

People don't want to work hard to figure out what you're trying to tell them. So, ensure that you clearly communicate your message and that it doesn't lead to confusion. A simple 'call to action' with a QR code, special offer or chance to win a prize will ensure your promotion with AdLids Media is destined for success.